Thoughts on Effective Politics
When people try to tone down the circulation of conspiracy theories in a social circle, they often have a palette of cliches at the ready. You've heard them all before. They usually involve pathologizing an imagined fool and/or explanations that assume out-of-hand their own premises; the falseness of conspiracy theories is taken as an a priori rather than a posteriori truth ( true regardless of the facts). None of this is anything. You’ve done the research and you know that the above are pleas of opinion against record. Accounts downplaying the notion of decades-or-centuries-old Deep Steering Committees that exist above and prior to states and corporations are not just wrong, but wrong in a way, either maliciously or not, that threatens their followers' abilities to protect themselves from the encroaching threats of 21st century political realities. The way we do politics is based on the way that we understand that historical change is effected. Depending on whether we think th...